Austin Recreation Center &
3405 Charles Club
proudly present...

The 2nd Annual
Science Fair Party

March 28th, 8PM

3405 Charles St.
Austin, TX 78702

RSVP on Facebook!

Scroll down for the scientific details...
For those that didn’t come to last year’s, the Science Fair Party is exactly what it sounds like. One part science fair. One part party. Here's how it works:
Step 1: Everyone brings their own science experiment (tri folds encouraged):
Step 2: Experiments will be set up throughout our house and backyard
Step 3a: We party
Step 3b: We learn
Step 3c: We science
Step 4: We explode some volcanoes
Step 5: We crown the winner of all experiments
Step 6: We all learn new and interesting facts about science and go home better people than who we were at the start of the party
All types of science are welcome for experiments: hard, soft, fake, social, mad, culinary, biological, fiction. We feel the need after last year’s party to remind you that piano covers of The Scientist by Coldplay will NOT be accepted as a science experiments. Just remember - dare to dream and safety first.
Friends are welcome to join, but only if they fuck with science.